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Surviving Without An Oven

Our oven broke last week and we decided we couldn’t fix it. So we get our new stove/oven delivered on December 7th. OMG, I can’t wait! It is beautiful and modern and guaranteed gonna cook up some amazing food. It is also going to make my 1950’s kitchen look very very old. I foresee a new kitchen in our future perhaps before we had originally planned.

While I wait for my new oven we still have to eat. Thank God my stove top still works so I have been making lots of soup, stews, stir frys and pasta dishes. However I like to bake bread everyday, so I was joking with my other half about cooking bread in the slow cooker, looked online and lo and behold someone has done it and said it worked. I didn’t believe it but thought it was worth a try.

Well guess what, it worked! Yes you can bake a loaf of fresh bread in the slow cooker! I’ve cooked a couple of loaves now and although they are not as prettyas my oven baked bread they are still yummy.

So I just used my bread/ bun recipe nothing fancy :

Use a standing mixer with dough hook:

1 & 1/4 cup hot water
2 tspn active dry yeast
1 & 1/2 tbsp sugar
Let proof for approx 10 minutes ( the yeast forms a frothy layer)

1 & 1/2 tbsp margarine
3 & 1/4 cups flour
1/2 tbsp salt

Mix till it forms a soft dough

Place on lightly floured surface and knead for a few more minutes

Place in lightly greased bowled cover with a damp towel

Let rise till it doubles in size (for about an hour)

Punch down dough and form into loaf shape

I put it in a pan that could fit in my slow cooker but you can also just line the slow cooker with parchment paper.

It will do its second rise in the slow cooker

Cook on high for 2-3 hours (internet said 2 but mine took almost 3). The bottom edges will be golden


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